
Cruel Hand Lou

Cruel Hand Lou

(To my long-time friends and readers: you might have seen this one before… it’s from one of the most substantial experiences of my life and I hope you don’t mind if I share it again…

Origin Story

Have you wondered where to find guidance and direction beyond just being handed a to-do list? Have you ever felt rudderless, needing inspiration and meaningful goals to achieve? Have you felt betrayed or screwed over…

Your Voice

Your Voice

Your Voice What, MY voice? Thanks for asking. My voice has been favorably compared to an insurance commercial voice-over, a funeral home director, and Mel Tormé (while he was speaking, not singing. I think.). The…



Voorpret! Yesterday I wrote about a couple of my favorite pronounceable acronyms, JOMP (Just one more push) and GELMO (Good enough, let’s move on). I suspect that in another language, those might actually be words….


I love marketing. It gives me permission to invent new words. Here are two: GELMO, which means: Good enough, let’s move on. JOMP, which means: Just one more push! They say perfect is the enemy…