For Both of Us: Are You Setting Your New Year’s Resolutions the Right Way?
From me to you (and to me, too):
You know, it’s easy for me to give advice and I think I find it easy to take advice too.
But for me to heed the words that I say to others? Not so easy.
And so this one is for both of us.
As we approach the new year, many of us start thinking about our New Year’s resolutions. Goal setting is one of those things we all know is important—everyone tells us it’s crucial for success. But let’s be honest: it can be tough to actually sit down, find the time, and define clear goals for ourselves. It’s easy to let others—like your boss or clients—set your goals for you.
But here’s the thing: you can and should take an active role in setting your own goals. You deserve to be the brightest voice in your own to-do list!
One of the most popular goal-setting methods is the SMART model, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. While it’s a good framework, I think we can make it even better. The SMART model is missing some key elements, and frankly, the order of its components isn’t quite right.
Come back here for tomorrow’s post, where I’ll reveal my new goal-setting model—BRIGHT—that takes goal setting to the next level. Trust me, you’ll want to come back here to read about this.
You can do this. You’ll be glad you did.
And so will I.
#GoalSetting #SMARTGoals #NewYearsResolutions #CareerGrowth #Productivity