Face Front! Friday!

The Past and the Curious
What chapter of your life are you working on right now?
Our lives often unfold in stages, seasons, or chapters—what term resonates with you? For me, “chapters” captures the essence of my life’s journey.
Sometimes these chapters are marked by milestones: a new job, a move, or a shift in relationships—whether through additions or subtractions… some painful, some necessary. They shape us, guide us, and leave their mark. Sometimes wounds, sometimes scars. Sometimes hope.
As I reflect, I see my life falling fairly neatly into 20-year chapters. How would yours look if you broke it into chapters? Here’s how mine have unfolded:
Chapter 1: Foundations
A time of growing up—family, friends, and countless lessons that shaped my identity. It was about learning who I was while dreaming of… or just wondering… who I might become.
Chapter 2: Construction and Deconstruction
Breaking away from the past to build a future. Marriage, graduate school, children, and career successes mingled with struggles. It was a time of creating dreams while weathering reality’s storms.
Chapter 3: Roots and Branches
Finding stability in my career while continuing to grow. Watching my children stretch their wings and reconnecting with old friends while making new ones. My creative spirit has reached for more, creating more opportunities in ways I never imagined.
Now I find myself wondering: Is a new chapter, Chapter 4, about to begin? That would fit the pattern. Or am I still writing Chapter 3, letting it unfold naturally? Perhaps the beauty lies in embracing the uncertainty, allowing the story to reveal itself one page at a time.
How do you see your life’s chapters? Are you building a foundation, weathering a storm, or reaching for something new? Are you ready to turn the page or do you still have work to be done in this chapter?
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
#lifejourney #reflection #growth #personaldevelopment #yourstory